International Seminars

International seminars provide students the opportunity to study abroad at a partner institutions for 1-3 weeks and earn course credit towards their MBA. Students are eligible for international seminars upon completion of their first semester/two quadmesters. Program offerings and availability vary based on the Rice academic calendar.

1.5 Elective Credit

Opportunities in Europe and Latin America

Courses Should Not Conflict with Recruiting and/or Classes at Rice Business

During the seminar, I also learned how small businesses are different in Germany. I learned about the power of employees as they get to sit on the board of business; they have a voice and a vote. I heard about the differences between West and East Germany and the ramifications of the fall of the Berlin Wall to culture, society, and business. We visited many companies and got an inside view of what Germany is prioritizing as the leading country in the EU. The risks of coming across the Ocean to learn, see, taste, and experience all of this for myself was worth every doubt that had crossed my mind.

Norma Torres Mendoza - FTMBA '20

International Seminar: WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

View Course Dates and Offerings

Identify seminar offerings at a glance and what programs or opportunities pique your interest. Includes pricing and dates.

View Partner School Fact Sheets

Explore key features of partner schools and the types of courses, programs, and benefits they offer (including housing).

Schedule an Advising Meeting

Meet with a study abroad advisor to identify programs that match your interest and academic calendar.